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DAYS OF DARKNESS – 6th and final volume of the Chronicles of Gary Gardner available

Les jours sombres ne sont que le début de la fin

Le Monde est silencieux.  Plus le moindre signe de vie en surface.

Terrés depuis cinq ans au cœur de la Spyrale, Gary et ses collègues ont réappris à vivre dans ce complexe hi-tech.  Ils ne manquent de rien, sauf l’essentiel, la liberté.  Celle de courir dans les prés, celle de sentir l’air frais sur le visage, ou de se dorer sous le soleil.  Pourtant, tout n’est pas si triste, puisque leur nouvelle vie s’est enrichie de Thomas.

Les jours s’écoulent sans perspective, monotone, ennuyeux mais chacun y met du sien dans des routines quotidiennes, juste pour tenir le coup.

Les questions n’ont jamais cessé de perturber Gary.  Que se passe-t-il à l’extérieur ?  Toute vie a-t-elle vraiment cessé d’être ?  Ou juste l’humanité ?  Et puis… les questions laissées en suspens par le groupe terroriste Sorrow n’ont, à ce jour, aucune réponse.

In this final volume of Gary Gardner’s Chronicles, François Panier will reveal to us a surprising and probable ending, close to our daily lives, which prompts us to question. Gary was not wrong, everything was there, before his eyes, the elements of the final resolution of this saga were at hand, from the beginning in 2006, when it all began, but that will not make the suspense any less. thrilling for all that, because there will be more upheavals. Will he finally be able to live, with his family, with his friends, far from a life formatted by others? Nothing is less sure…

The Gary Gardner Chronicles saga began in 2006

François Panier wrote this six-volume thriller after realizing that there were very few novels where the hero (anti-hero in this case) is gay.

Throughout the six books, we will see the character evolve from the realization of his homosexuality (he will have to face denial and his own homophobia) to the acceptance of who he ultimately is. This is not the subject of the book, but it is present in the background, almost like it is one of the layers of a lasagna. Therefore several readings are possible.

Each volume is a story in its own right, which follows the previous novel, but over the volumes we will understand that there is a common thread that develops, a parallel story that grows and finds its conclusion in this last volume, Days of Darkness. Although each volume is a story, it is preferable to read in the sense of the volumes, because precisely, the construction of the characters (Gary and the “secondary” characters) is as important as the rest. Without revealing anything of the plot, one can however say that the criteria of the thriller are predominant in the book (conspiracies of states, reversal of situation, fast pace…).

François writes like the English, but in French. Namely, what matters is that the story allows the reader to be immersed in the story. To let the reader feel the action, the scenery, the emotions as if he were part of the history, through his own filters.

Gary is a boy like everyone else, not a superman, spy or detective, and yet he will survive in this new world open to him, perhaps thanks to his innocence and naivety.

The story builds, in real time, on events that happened at the time of writing, which makes the story particularly cohesive and amplifies the sense of authenticity.

This last volume (as well as the other volumes) are available at Juno Publishing & Amazon

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